
5 Yoga Poses for Sinus Relief

Sinusitis is a fairly common condition in the monsoons. With annoying symptoms like a runny nose, watery eyes and a throbbing headache, sinusitis, for some, can become so severe that it may hamper your daily activities. Blocked sinuses can cause nasal congestion, headaches and sometimes make it hard for you to breathe easily. Here are 5 yoga asanas that can help you find relief from Sinus.

Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose helps stretches the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, armpits and triceps, and chest. Might be difficult initially, but as you practice, you will reap in a lot of benefits.
Bhujangasana is the relaxation pose for all exercises performed on the stomach. It opens up the shoulders and neck. Tones the abdomen. Strengthens the entire back and shoulders. Improves flexibility of the upper and middle back.
Sarvangasana or shoulder stand is a yoga pose wherein the whole body is balanced on the shoulders. Sarvangasana influences the functioning of all parts of your body. This asana is highly beneficial in maintaining the mental and physical health and is also referred as ‘Queen of asanas’. In addition to stimulating the thyroid gland, this pose also relieves stress and depression, improves digestion, opens the shoulders and neck, and strengthens your legs, butt, arms, and abs.
Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is a backbending yoga posture that opens the entire front side of the body. It is an intermediate level back-bending yoga posture known to open Anahata (Heart chakra). This yoga posture adds flexibility and strength to the body and also helps in improving digestion.
Pavanamuktasana knows as Wind Removing Pose, which is beneficial for Gas Problems and Poor Digestion. It is a yoga pose in which the body is positioned in a supine position. Regular practice of Pavanamuktasana help to stimulate bowel movement which is very necessary for removing waste material.

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